How can we help?
Our office hours are Monday to Friday 9.00am – 5.30pm AEST.
We are Closed on Public Holidays.
Our commitment
Mosaic Brands Limited ACN 003 321 579 and its Related Bodies Corporate (as defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)) (“we”, “our” or “us”) recognise the trust and confidence you are placing in us through your dealings with us. We do everything we can to maintain that trust and confidence and ensure we provide you with the highest level of customer satisfaction. Our team are employed on the basis that they will actively listen and respond to your feedback and complaints, and successfully resolve all issues to your satisfaction. We are committed to recognising, promoting and protecting your rights, including the right to provide feedback and complaints. We are committed to providing you with accurate and timely information. We are committed to providing efficient, fair and easily accessible mechanisms for resolving your complaints.
How to Make a complaint
Our complaints management process is visible, easily accessible and responsive. It is easy for you to provide feedback and complaints in the following ways:
- Via the contact us page on our websites
- By phoning our Customer Care Team - Australia 1800 151 110 NZ 649884- 1254 Monday - Friday 9am-5:30am ( AEST )
- In writing: Po Box 7, St Peters NSW 2044
If you wish to submit a complaint or concern, please provide us with all relevant details such as
- The date and time of the incident or communication,
- The circumstances surrounding the event ( including order numbers )
- Your concerns about what was said or done.
- Your expected outcome
If you are deaf, or have a hearing impairment or speech impairment, contact us via the National Relay Service:
- TTY users phone 13 36 77 then enter 1800 151 110
- Speak and Listen, users, phone 1300 555 727 then ask 1800 151 110
How long will it take to resolve my complaint?
We are committed to responding to the issues you raise in a timely manner and keeping you informed of the progress of your complaint. All complaints are taken seriously and handled respectfully with impartiality and discretion. You will receive an acknowledgment from us within 7-10 business days confirming receipt of your complaint. We will endeavour to respond to you at all times promptly and to offer a practical solution that is consistent with our legal obligations.
Mosaic Brands Ltd is committed to achieving the highest level of customer satisfaction through our exemplary complaints handling systems and processes, continuous improvement through staff professional development, regular reviews of our complaints handling systems and processes, accountability to our Board, and adherence to regulatory obligations.